
My reading journal for Code Fellows.

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HTML Web Design


Wireframe is an important part of designing and building a webpage. It is where you begin to plan the layout for the webpage you’re going to create. It can be as easy as drawing a quick sketch with a pencil and paper or maybe a bit more involved by rendering it in a virtual tool. Either method or both together is a great may to start drawing out what the page should look like. This process helps you design the page layout how you think will best suite the target audience and also lets you start thinking about the framework for the code that you will need to create that page.

Coding with HTML

HTML helps you build the structure of your website. While it may be simple, HTML is able to accomplish quite a bit and is enough to make a very basic site all on its own. Although you can’t do anything too fancy, you can control text, links, images, videos, music, and can even do some basic formatting of the site.

Everything in HTML is done using elements. An element consists of an opening <tag> and closing </tag> with some content in between. There are many different tags that you can use such as <p></p> or <ul></ul>. It is very important to keep your code organized and nested properly, because everything depends on you correctly <opening> and </closing> tags. In this way you will start to see your site coming together as you add more components and finish setting up the framework. Although not much to look at right now, you can complete a bare bones website and lay the groundwork for fancier additions in the future.