
My reading journal for Code Fellows.

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Web design using JavaScript

JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted language with first-class functions. It is most commonly known as a language for web pages, but it also has use in some non-browser environments like Node.js, Apache CouchDB, and Adobe Acrobat.

JavaScript uses variables to create interactive functions. There are three main ways to declare a variable:

All JavaScript variables must have unique names and these are some general rules for naming them:

In JavaScript, the equal sign = is an “assignment” operator, not an “equal to” operator. The “equal to” operator is == in JavaScript. JavaScript variables can hold numbers and text values. Text values are called strings and a "string" is written in quotes. Numbers are written without quotes, but if you do write a number in quotes it will be stored as a string. You can perform many different arithmetic functions by using operators like + - * /.