
My reading journal for Code Fellows.

Project maintained by mattlarkin8 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Links and Layout

Links are very important because they are what allow you to travel between pages and sites. Links are created using the <a> tag. href is used to specify the address of the link. The anatomy of a link is:

<a href="URL for link">Clickable text</a>

Anything between the <a> tags is clickable. The URL for your link can be an absolute URL if the link is outside of your site or a relative URL if you are linking within your site. You can make the link open in a new tab by adding target="_blank" inside the opening <a> tag following the link.

<a href="URL for link" target="_blank">Clickable text</a>


There are three different positioning schemes in CSS.

Normal Flow

Normal flow is the default format unless you specify something else. Block level elements get their own line, even if there is enough room for it to fit on the previous line.

Relative Positioning

Relative positioning moves an element from its normal position and shifts it around the other elements to a new position. The other elements are not affected and will remain in their normal flow positions.

Absolute Positioning

Absolute positioning positions the element based on its containing element. The surrounding elements are not affected by this because it is removed from the normal flow. Absolutely positioned elements move as the page is scrolled. You use this to pin a header to the top of the page or a footer to the bottom.


You can use the float property to move an element as far to the left or right of its containing element as possible. This allows you to place elements side by side by floating an element to the side of another one.

Things I want to know more about

I am interested in using relative and absolute positioning to organize my pages better.

I look forward to getting experience with the practical application of outputting multiple variables from a function. Previously, I wanted to know about getting multiple variables from a function, but I had yet to learn about arrays. Getting an array with multiple values from one function seems like a game changer.

I want to better understand the use of IIFEs and anonymous functions. I understand the concept of them, but I can’t really think of when I would want to use them until I see more practical applications.