
My reading journal for Code Fellows.

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Problem Domain, Objects, and DOM

Problem Domain

The Problem Domain is essential to understand in order to implement a solution. It can be quite challenging to understand the problem, but it is very important to know the question before you think of an answer. It is worth it to take the time to familiarize yourself with the whatever problem domain you are facing. Getting to know the problem helps you to better understand what you need to make to solve that problem. It is also quite helpful to break the problem domain down into to smaller issues if possible. This can help you understand and solve things step by step.


Objects group variables and functions. When part of an object, variables are called properties and functions are called methods. The easiest way to create an object is using literal notation.

  let objectName = {
  variable: value,
  variable: value,
  variable: value,
  functionName: function(){
    executable stuff;

You can access the properties and methods of an object using dot notation.; or objectName.method();

Document Object Module

The DOM controls how browsers create an HTML page model and how JS can access and update the web page. When a web page is loaded int the browser, a model of the page is created and stored in the browsers memory. This model is known as the DOM tree. You can traverse through the DOM tree and select different elements using tag names, class attributes, and CSS selectors. It is possible to add or remove HTML content from the DOM, along with other edits you may want to make. You can also add and remove elements from the DOM tree.

Things I want to know more about

I want to see more examples and practical use of the DOM tree. There is a lot of information covered in this chapter about the DOM and I want to understand it a bit better. There is a lot of data in the DOM and many ways to interact with it. I think it will really help my understanding to see how it is used.

I think I have a good grasp on the concept of objects, but I am looking forward to learning more about how they are used and getting practice with the practical application.