
My reading journal for Code Fellows.

Project maintained by mattlarkin8 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Assorted Topics


It is important to size and align your images properly for a nice layout. You can use height and width to specify your image size. This width is usually set using pixels.

Images display inline by default, but display: block; can set them to block elements. You can use float to let text flow around the img and move the image around for alignment. Using margin: 0px auto; is also a good way to center elements by using auto for the left and right margins.

background-image is used to set an image as the background of an element. The repeat attribute can be used to repeat an image. You can also use background-position to specify where the background image should be placed, but only if the image is not repeated.

Practical Info

The visibility of your website is usually quite important. Having it be more discoverable will lead to more people visiting you site. Search Engine Optimization is then very important if you want to make your site as discoverable as possible. By using terms that people will be likely to search, you can increase the likelihood that your page shows up at the top of searches.

There are multiple places where it is important to place these key terms:

All of these page elements have some different semantic context that search engines and browsers will interpret. Incorporating key terms in these semantic elements can help search engines match your site and its key terms to what users are searching for.

Using different site analytics to gather data about users visiting your site can help you cater your site to a certain demographic of users. This can help you to better market your site for the group of people that is already most likely to visit and start working on pulling in related demographics. Finding out where users come from, where they go to from your site, and what they are looking at is a lot of useful information for you to incorporate in how you target your site at different users.

Things I want to know more about

I think the background image and repeat are some interesting commands for styling your page. The repeat image seems like the solution to one of the issues we ran into with our lab on Friday. I want to try using it and see what cool things can be done with these new image tools I learned about.