
My reading journal for Code Fellows.

Project maintained by mattlarkin8 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


How I explained REST to my brother

Who is Roy Fielding?

He is one of the people that created the first web servers and then researched why the web works how it does.

Why don’t the techniques that we use today work well when we need to be able to talk to all of the machines in the world?

They weren’t designed that way. After the initial creation of HTTP, developers did not design computer communication with a strong focus on being able to talk to any machine anywhere.

What is the HTTP protocol that Fielding and his friends created?

HTTP is about applying verbs to nouns. It allows URLs to be used to reference many different things, all through the use of the HTTP protocol.

What does a GET do?

GET retrieves information.

What does a POST do?

POST adds information.

What does PUT do?

PUT replaces information.

What does PATCH do?

PATCH performs a partial update.

Things I want to know more about

I want to know a bit more about how the other HTTP nouns are used and how APIs are developed. It is really interesting to read about and makes APIs even cooler to interact with.