
My reading journal for Code Fellows.

Project maintained by mattlarkin8 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


CRUD Basics

Which HTTP method would you use to update a record through an API?

The HTTP method for an update is PUT.

Which REST methods require an ID parameter?

PUT and DELETE require an id so that they know the specific item to change or delete.

Speed Coding: Building a CRUD API

What’s the relationship between REST and CRUD?

REST and CRUD are tied closely together. REST refers to only the HTTP terms that are used for CRUD:

If you had to describe the process of creating a RESTful API in 5 steps, what would they be?

  1. Install and require the necessary libraries and tools.
  2. Establish and test the connection to your database.
  3. Create schema to model the data that will be sent.
  4. Create your routes for each REST/CRUD operation.
  5. Test your routes to validate the return of both successful attempts and errors.

Things I want to know more about

I want to become more proficient in the creation of RESTful APIs using CRUD principles. I want to understand the topic enough to really improve the speed at which I can create or edit a RESTful API.