
My reading journal for Code Fellows.

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Class 01 Reading

Pain and Suffering

It is important to keep in mind the difference between pain and suffering. Keep your goal in sight and push through the pain to achieve it. While the the road may be long and challenging, that is also what gives this path its value. As with many other things, if it was easy, anyone would do it. It is, however, not easy. Remember these things when facing the challenges ahead and keep working hard to achieve your goals.

Beginners Guide to Big O

Big O notation is a really interesting concept for someone who hasn’t heard of it before and hasn’t done any serious math in years. It was really fun to go through the different notation and get a reminder on different mathematical operations. I can also appreciate the examples that help break down what something may look like for each notation. So far, efficiency of the code I write hasn’t actually mattered and I’ve definitely given it less thought as I went through the other courses. Now that I’m nearing the end of my journey, I think it is a good time for this to become relevant and make me consider my solutions differently. Going forward I think it will be very beneficial to first create a solution to a problem and then try to find the most efficient solution to that problem. There are some problems where the solution is just going to be complex and time consuming, but there will be others that could be improved with more thought. Learning how to spot areas to improve and when something is as good as it gets will be a skill to work on moving forward.

Things I want to know more about

Big O got me thinking about being efficient with the code I write. I look forward to hopefully covering some different strategies to evaluate your code and find where you can improve it.