
My reading journal for Code Fellows.

Project maintained by mattlarkin8 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

My Reading Notes


Hello everyone! I am Matthew Larkin and this is my reading notes repository. I’m a US Air Force veteran that has worked in IT for over six years. I am pretty new to coding, but I’m really excited to learn and continue to improve myself. I look forward to working with everyone as we all work toward our goal.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to work together on something.

Contact Info

Phone: (253)820-0190

Code 102 - Intro to Software Development

Read: 01 - Learning Markdown
Read: 02 - The Coder’s Computer
Read: 03 - Revisions and the Cloud
Read: 04 - Structure web pages with HTML
Read: 05 - Design web pages with CSS
Read: 06 - Dynamic web pages with JavaScript
Read: 07 - Programming with JavaScript
Read: 08 - Operators and Loops

Code 201 - Foundations of Software Development

Read: 01 - Introductory HTML and JavaScript
Read: 02 - HTML Text, CSS Introduction, and Basic JavaScript Instructions
Read: 03 - HTML Lists, CSS Boxes, JS Control Flow
Read: 04 - HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions
Read: 05 - HTML Images; CSS Color & Text
Read: 06 - JS Object Literals; The DOM
Read: 07 - HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions
Read: 08 - More CSS Layout
Read: 09 - Forms and Events
Read: 10 - JS Debugging
Read: 11 - Assorted Topics
Read: 12 - Docs for the HTML Canvas Element & Chart.js
Read: 13 - Local Storage
Read: 14a - CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations

Code 301 - Intermediate Software Development

Read: Class 01 - Introduction to React and Components
Read: Class 02 - State and Props
Read: Class 03 - Passing Functions as Props
Read: Class 04 - React and Forms
Read: Class 05 - Putting it all together
Read: Class 06 - NODE.JS
Read: Class 07 - REST
Read: Class 08 - APIs
Read: Class 09 - Functional Programming
Read: Class 10 - In memory storage
Read: Class 11 - Mongo and Mongoose
Read: Class 12 - CRUD
Read: Class 13 - More CRUD
Read: Class 14 - Diversity & Inclusion in the Tech Industry

Code 401 - Advanced Software Development

Intro to SQL
Terminal Practice
Engineering Readings
Read: Class 01 - Class 01 Reading
Read: Class 02 - Testing and Modules
Read: Class 03 - FileIO & Exceptions
Read: Class 06
Read: Class 07
Read: Class 08
Read: Class 09
Read: Class 10
Read: Class 11
Read: Class 12
Read: Class 13
Read: Class 14
Read: Class 15